Sourcebook 1: Innovative teaching methods and approaches in higher education on
sustainable and smart cities
Thissourcebookfocusesoninnovativeteachingmethodsandapproachessuitableforuniversitysubjects relatedtosustainableandsmartcities.Asignificantemphasisisplacedonchallenge-basedlearning(CBL),which differentiatesfromthetraditionalproblem-basedlearning(PBL)invariousaspects.Thesourcebookprovidesa foundationalunderstandingofPBLandguidanceoncraftingcasestudies,asCBL,anewertrendinhigher education, can be framed within the PBL context and often illustrated using case studies.Access the sourcebook here.Sourcebook2:EUClimateandSmartCityMissions:UniversitiesBridgingResearch and EducationThis sourcebook is dedicated to understanding the mission goals within the climate-neutral and smart cities context in the research area of European universities. It provides frameworks for building university capacity and fostering collaboration with external stakeholders. The transdisciplinary collaborative framework was inspired by opportunities brought through European grants.Access the sourcebookhere.Sourcebook3:Innovativemethodologiesanddigitaltoolsforonlineeducationinthe field of smart and sustainable citiesThis sourcebook covered state-of-the-art teaching and learning techniques for the future generation of knowledge workers in the field of smart and sustainable cities. It emphasized public engagement by universities in addressing societal challenges, requiring teaching formats that provide students with necessary skills for interdisciplinary collaboration.Part I: Focused on identifying educational methodologies and tools for regular classes and innovative e-learning courses relevant to smart and sustainable cities.Part II: Provided concrete examples of how these methodologies and tools can be adopted by courses at both universities, enhancing student learning outcomes.Access the sourcebook here.Sourcebook4:IntegratingClimateChangeinHigherEducationCurriculaand Fostering Synergy with Research ActivitiesThis sourcebook aimed to help lecturers incorporate aspects of climate change into higher education curricula in the context of sustainable and smart cities. It also emphasized the synergy between education and research activities.Part 1: Addressed the integration of climate change aspects into academic curricula, using courses from both CTU and UiS as examples.Part 2: Highlighted the importance of synergy between education, research, and innovation across disciplines in addressing societal challenges.Access the sourcebook here.
Thissourcebookfocusesoninnovativeteachingmethodsand approachessuitableforuniversitysubjectsrelatedto sustainableandsmartcities.Asignificantemphasisisplaced onchallenge-basedlearning(CBL),whichdifferentiatesfrom thetraditionalproblem-basedlearning(PBL)invarious aspects.Thesourcebookprovidesafoundational understandingofPBLandguidanceoncraftingcasestudies, asCBL,anewertrendinhighereducation,canbeframed withinthePBLcontextandoftenillustratedusingcase studies.Access the sourcebook here.Sourcebook2:EUClimateandSmartCity Missions:UniversitiesBridgingResearchand EducationThis sourcebook is dedicated to understanding the mission goals within the climate-neutral and smart cities context in the research area of European universities. It provides frameworks for building university capacity and fostering collaboration with external stakeholders. The transdisciplinary collaborative framework was inspired by opportunities brought through European grants.Access the sourcebook here.Sourcebook3:Innovativemethodologiesand digitaltoolsforonlineeducationinthefieldof smart and sustainable citiesThis sourcebook covered state-of-the-art teaching and learning techniques for the future generation of knowledge workers in the field of smart and sustainable cities. It emphasized public engagement by universities in addressing societal challenges, requiring teaching formats that provide students with necessary skills for interdisciplinary collaboration.Part I: Focused on identifying educational methodologies and tools for regular classes and innovative e-learning courses relevant to smart and sustainable cities.Part II: Provided concrete examples of how these methodologies and tools can be adopted by courses at both universities, enhancing student learning outcomes.Access the sourcebook here.Sourcebook4:IntegratingClimateChangein HigherEducationCurriculaandFostering Synergy with Research ActivitiesThis sourcebook aimed to help lecturers incorporate aspects of climate change into higher education curricula in the context of sustainable and smart cities. It also emphasized the synergy between education and research activities.Part 1: Addressed the integration of climate change aspects into academic curricula, using courses from both CTU and UiS as examples.Part 2: Highlighted the importance of synergy between education, research, and innovation across disciplines in addressing societal challenges.Access the sourcebook here.